30 years of helping publishers use digital production technology to do more with less!

Let's face it, nobody's budgets are getting bigger or resources more plentiful.  Is it time to rethink your publishing strategy and make sure you are maximizing your revenue while minimizing your cost?
Greyden has been helping scientific and technical publishers leverage technology to do more with less for more than two decades. Our automated workflow, state-of-the-art digital production equipment, and proven knowledge of the market’s unique needs have made Greyden a valuable resource to meet the challenges of your ever-evolving and increasingly technology driven market.
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We offer cost effective solutions that help publishers maximize all possible revenue streams while attaining the highest possible margins. Whether it is automatically prepping author-supplied content for book printing, e-books, digital media, or on-line cloud presentation or extracting XML data for publication to industry indexes and libraries, Greyden is the “single stop” choice to meet all the demands of your market.  Our broad range of services allow us to customize a solution for your specific publishing activity.  With Greyden's flexibility meeting the demands of your market and satisfying all of your customers is just an email or phone call away.
Check out the details on all of our services below and Contact us! Have a unique challenge without a solution? Talk to us!  Finding solutions is what we do. We’re very proud of our reputation for flexibility that helps solve problems one customer at a time.

Cloud Conference Proceedings

CloudConference transparent

Your customers base is changing. Libraries increasingly hold fewer books and more technology. Even CD-ROMS and USBs are seen as "dated" by the millennial generation. Do you have a strategy to provide meaningful access of your content for ALL your customers?

Cloud Conference Proceedings specifically positions your organization to leverage available technologies and meet the needs of your evolving customer base. It becomes the third leg of the content distribution stool; print, electronic media, and now cloud-based content.

Cloud Conference Proceedings satisfy all those customers who want online access, to pull content from the cloud to their smartphone, tablet or computer - or both. Just as important, you can deliver access at the conference - at their office or home or when they are on the run.
Conference in the Cloud is designed to be secure with username and password access and dovetails perfectly with a multi-media content strategy. When combined with +POD, Cloud Conference Proceedings provides each user with exactly the content presentation he or she desires – at a reduced cost to you!
Are you ready to embrace the future of conference publishing?  Talk to us about how Cloud Conference Proceedings will save you real money and satisfy your broadest base of customers.
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Content Create Transparent

What if you could eliminate the financial and time management pain of content preparation?  At Greyden, we have. ContentCreate is our solution for creating "author direct" publications - conference proceedings, transactions, monographs, etc.- whether they are traditional print, CD-ROM, DVD, USB,, on-line presentations or all of the above.
Get started simplifying your content preparation process today by contacting Greyden Press.
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Save time and money - let our automated ContentCreate process do the work for you.


eBook Transparent

E-book conversion should be simple. Unfortunately scientific and technical publications that have charts, graphs, and equations, each needing specific placement within the text, the same problem that’s accompanied all new technologies. The seemingly unlimited number of reading devices and their corresponding technologies add to the problems.
Greyden has long experience solving the “complex content” problems for scientific and technical publishers – and E-books are not exception. Each e-book is produced to your specifications with charts, graphs and equations anchored to their corresponding text. Call us to learn how easy, and cost effective it can be to re-purpose current or new content to an e-book format.
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On-Demand/Short Run Production

Plus POD Hand Transparent

Maintain traditional print and electronic revenue. Reduce production costs and management costs.  Get only the quantity you want in the media format you want when you want it.  Satisfy ALL customers and maintain margins.
Over ten years ago, Greyden launched on-demand services. Today, we offer the most complete line-up of simple, comprehensive services. Our production capability starts at a single unit, CD-ROM, DVD, or USB.  With Greyden Press’ On-Demand Production, inventory is a thing of the past.
Supported by our unique Book Manager  on-line management maintaining your traditional revenue stream without the inventory becomes a simple “at your fingertips” task.
We continue to be a pioneer and innovator in the development and implementation of on-demand production services offering the best, and only, “one stop” solution in the market.  Our variety of options and flexibility allow us to specifically meet the unique needs of scientific and technical publishers.
On-Demand Production gives you the quantity you need from 1 to 1,000, when you need it! Let us show you how do drive your inventory costs to $0!
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+POD Transparent

Take On-Demand Production to the next level increasing the revenue opportunities for current publications AND publications designated as “out of print.” Satisfy ALL your customers with a simple, no overhead solution.
+POD builds on the deep On Demand production experience of Greyden Press. +POD combines on-line technology with On-Demand capabilities to let any customers who prefer traditional print and/or electronic medium purchase them directly from your website. An easy point and click selection gets your customers the product they want, when they want it. +POD provides the broadest selection of product to the broadest market possible without inventory, distribution costs, maintenance of an ordering system or collection costs ---- all while you retain control of your brand and product quality.
The concept is simple; Greyden does all the work, you retain full control of your content copyright, product price and product brand, Greyden collects the money for product sold and remits a check for the majority of the proceeds to you, the publisher, on a quarterly basis. No out-of-pocket cost, no risk – +POD couldn’t be simpler.  Let us get you started on your own revenue generating +POD program!
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Digital Media – CD-ROM, DVD and USB


Greyden is more than just print production. We also provide short run CD-ROM, DVD and USB production AND a complete range of packaging options. Your digital media is produced and packaged – all in-house. Whether you want 5 or 5,000, you will receive excellent pricing, fast turnaround, and complete packaging services.
Combine production capabilities with our ContentCreate services to experience superior functionality, lower cost, and faster scheduled on your next electronic project – Greyden – your best one-stop-shop options
Supported by our unique Book Manager on-line management maintaining your traditional revenue stream without the inventory becomes a simple “at your fingertips” task.
We continue to be a pioneer and innovator in the development and implementation of on-demand production services offering the best, and only, “one stop” solution in the market.  Our variety of options and flexibility allow us to specifically meet the unique needs of scientific and technical publishers.
On-Demand Production gives you the quantity you need from 1 to 1,000, when you need it! Let us show you how do drive your inventory costs to $0!


XML Transparent

Greyden has proven expertise creating whatever structured data is needed to fuel your own website or meet the requirements of indexers and outside agencies used to enhance the availability of your content across the Internet.
Whether it’s simple header metadata or complete Web pages – XML, HTML, SGML, or format – Greyden can weave our knowledge of structured data and scientific and technical content into the best solution for you.
Tired of trying to explain your needs to a freelance programmer?  Let Greyden provide the expertise you need.  Talk with us – we speak your Language


Use our contact form, call or email us and let us show you how we can help you use technology to better serve your customers.

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5818 Wilmington Pike #228 Centerville, OH 45459