
Produce Data Files from Your Proceedings Workflow

Preparing for a conference just keeps getting more complicated.  There was a time when conference preparation revolved primarily around getting papers and presenters organized then sending the material to the printer for book production.  But now, as technology moves, not only is the familiar book format declining but the demand to make the conference material available not only at the conference but accessible in online libraries and repositories is increasing the strain on the conference production team. The IT department needs the conference abstracts in XML or CSV formats – yet another production flow and another expense to manage.

Working with a conference proceedings vendor to produce books or CDs or USBs for the conference, then working with another vendor to produce XML or CSV abstract formats is not unusual for most associations and it doubles the coordination efforts of the conference production team.  But does it make sense to take the same material into two different workflows to produce essentially the same information (title, author, page numbers, abstracts) presented in the full conference proceedings?

What if the IT department’s needs for XML or CSV could be fulfilled in the same workflow as the conference distributed version?  What if XML and CSV files were merely an add-on to a process for which you already paid?  Wouldn’t that save money – and time?  From public reference libraries to in-house digital libraries, preparation of conference proceeding content in XML or CSV need be no more than a formatting exercise.  In a single workflow environment, data for everything from Table of Contents development to XML can be captured in one process then applied to everything from conference presentation to digital library population.

Why work harder when your team could work smarter?  Single workflow for conference proceedings is in your future.

We’re Greyden Press.  Call us.  We’re in your future.

Greyden Press has been on the forefront of conference proceeding development for over 25 years.

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